Saturday, 24 March 2007

video of the tank just after feeding time curtesy of the visiting pascal, sonia's friend from paris.

and..... i went to Oasis Aquatics in salford for the second time. the place is amazing and has become, in just two visits, my favorite stockist of tropical fish. the amount of equipment and fish is huge and i have never seen so many rare (and expensive) fish before. there were a lot i have never seen before and they all looked in such good condition.

so, you guessed it, i bought a few fish. 4 celebes halfbeaks for the 180 tank to ocupy the top zone and a little bristlenose pleco which wont get any bigger than about 12cm, to control the algy situation which has arisen. more to come on those another time, they have only been in the tank for about an hour. :-)

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